September 11, 2006

New blog with Blogger Beta

I read many reviews and rants about the new Blogger Beta before deciding to give it a try.

Some people seem to greet the new features with excitement (quite like myself), and some have already started building custom templates for download.

There is, of course, a lot of buzz about what does not work with the Beta version. The most evident one, regular Blogger users not being able to post comments on Beta blogs (and the fix for this bug is just commenting as Anonymous).

Personally, I like the new template system. I haven't had the time to study and play around with the new widgets yet. As you can see, I've made just a couple minor tweaks to the default Denim template.

But as I scanned through the help files on the new template tags, I saw many new features like if-then blocks, loops, and variables. A whole new domain of possible tune-ups for Blogger!

The Google guys had been sleeping on Blogger for quite some time, and now they seem to be back (and kicking). I hope they keep up the good work.

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